Physical fitness is an essential part of overall health, but busy lives and sedentary occupations make it difficult for many of us to fit exercise and proper nutrition into our day. Trace has an innovative, flexible approach to support her clients in creating and achieving their wellness goals, finding balance and staying motivated. Using cutting-edge research, years of experience and her 3 C’s, Trace will design a program that fits you—your lifestyle, your goals, and your body.

Wellness isn’t just what you do, it’s how you do it. These strategies and techniques will provide you with the tools to get the most out of your fitness routine and bring efficiency, results and joy to your workout. Trace developed these 3 C’s as guiding principles for your fitness journey: Center, Connect, Create.

Check out the three C’s and let’s get started!


  • Align your body for maximum safety and results.

  • Focus intentions for your workout and your health. Set your goals both short term and long term!

  • Balance your diet to ensure that your body gets a full range of nutrients.


  • Mind and Body. When you train most effectively, your neuromuscular system is all working together.

  • Movement and nutrition. Meeting your body’s needs at the right time.

  • Movement and nutrition. Meeting your body’s needs at the right time.


  • Create movement in a safe and effective manner through repetition and progression.

  • Create positive feelings through movement, recovery and results.

  • Create an optimal eating plan to fit your life and preferences.


  • Align your body for maximum safety and results.

  • Focus intentions for your workout and your health. Set your goals both short term and long term!

  • Balance your diet to ensure that your body gets a full range of nutrients.


  • Mind and Body. When you train most effectively, your neuromuscular system is all working together.

  • Movement and nutrition. Meeting your body’s needs at the right time.

  • Movement and nutrition. Meeting your body’s needs at the right time.


  • Create movement in a safe and effective manner through repetition and progression.

  • Create positive feelings through movement, recovery and results.

  • Create an optimal eating plan to fit your life and preferences.

Specializing in Women Over 40

As women age into their 40’s and beyond, women face a number of challenges like their careers, motherhood and societal pressures. We go through a variety of physiological changes that can impact our daily lives. Fitness and proper nutrition are essential to creating balance for women in particular as they age.

After Trace tuned 50, she and her friends started to notice some of the effects of aging and their more sedentary lifestyles. She was inspired to search for innovative solutions to this common challenge and she created them. New research shows that, with the right techniques, fitness and nutrition are achievable for regular people—not just youthful gym rats and Hollywood celebs. Small consistent changes can be tremendously effective. With this knowledge, Trace set out to assist women in living healthier and feeling better in their own bodies.